Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Website - Don't hold your breath!

Okay, I've spent the past 2 weekends at the UArts, learning how to design websites. I have no idea what my final grade will be, but I have learned that the state of my final project - My Web Site is NOT ready for prime time. Second best option is a blog!

So this is what you'll get. For those of you who haven't heard, I started a half-year educational sabbatical on February 1st. The educational part included a computer course, as previously mentioned, and a Travel Study Course for the 7 weeks that I will be exploring Israel. How naive of me to think that I could design a website over the course of a weekend and have it HTML certified to be posted on the internet. Flexibilty and Plan B will suffice.

Lots to do now that my studies are on hiatus. More to come about the Middle East adventure.

Happy trails,
~ Jo